Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Today is my father's 60th Birthday! A Happy Birthday to him!

Starting my day with the usual coffee- a fairly recent addition to my day- followed by the Birthday wish phone call to Dad. 

For a Tuesday, this early day of the week was productive with challenges. Mainly with communications involving phone & email with various departments in different companies. At the end of the day prior expectations weren't met by those departments but tomorrow is another day!

More good news is that for various reasons (like a new driver's license) and a little of which due to 'Movember' (the month of November to recognize male health issues such as prostate cancer, etc.), I have a mustache! 

Being compared to the likes of this man via co-worker compliment;

Tom Selleck- for the Mustache of course, not the shirt!

...or this guy (another comparison by a co-worker);

Clark Gable
....I'm quite liking the Stache!  Albeit the likenesses are far too gracious but I could not refuse the courtesy.

And for that extra push on my Tuesday, I had the fortune of somehow shopping almost aisle by aisle (she has great taste!) at Michael's craft store to none other than- the only 'The Hills' star who showed America how to be authentic- Lauren Conrad!

TV Personality, Author, Fashion Designer & All American Girl