Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

After a nice long Christmas + New Year's vacation back home- not had since 2009, along with the amount of prolonged vacation time, I feel great!
One knows they are back in Los Angeles with temperatures in the high 70's to low 80's in January & the addition of multiple star sightings before a full 24hrs has elapsed!

Eva La Rue of popular CSI Miami

Ty Burrell of hit show, Modern Family

Back in town and on-track, I'm able to reflect on my trip. Having made a couple of parties had by the folks old + somewhat legendary local party friends from years ago, I recall growing up. One thing that I remember is going to parties as a kid and they were always full of tons of people (many of the same I mention above), abundance of vegetarian food (think no Wholefoods or Trader Joe's) with lots of dancing. An album (recently downloaded from iTunes) that probably possesses much of that spirit was the release of Paul Simon's 'Graceland' in 1986.

A phenomenal album exploring ethnic sounds, rythym + danceable beats with a creative edge not found in popular music. A real treasure bringing back the party days of my youth.

+ the Talking Heads- to be undoubtebly
mentioned in a future post...

 H A P P N E  Y E A 2 0 1 2 !