Monday, September 17, 2012

Monday, September 17, 2012

I need to get something off my chest. With all of the uproar in the world regarding anti-American rants, protests and anger, it's a sad thing to see. I am through and through American. Born on a rural farm in the middle of the country it is impossible to deny the fact. 

What I appreciate most about the USA is freedom of religion, freedom of speech and our multicultural diversity. 

I don't pretend to expect other nations to understand our freedoms. I also don't pretend to not know about underlying issues of special interests which make up our global connections and allies. 

That said....

Hate is a horrible thing. Love as the answer is a bit naive. Peace is a great idea. Understanding really helps.

Starting this week, in the town of my Alma mater, is the Lotus World Music and Arts Festival. We all know music festivals happen all the time but as world music goes- this is a premiere showcase. Music of Madagascar, Czech Republic, Paris, China and you name it could be represented here in local venues like churches, a convention center, libraries or in the street.

The logo for this years festival. Right Now!

Other music I got from......

while at....

Der Kommissar

..then, I hopped in the car and heard this....

Love on the Line by Crazy P

...finally, I got the free Instagram app by Facebook...

...and took this picture....

Photo by rexmaddox