Friday, February 8, 2013

Friday, February 8, 2013

After the wayy too long Superbowl last weekend with all of it's hype and light's going out in the middle of the whole enchilada- we have the Grammy's to look forward to this weekend.

I have to say, my favorite parts of the Superbowl was for one, it occurred in New Orleans in the same week as Fat Tuesday! Two, the amazingly touching, classy & poise of Jennifer Hudson's performance with the children's choir. Finally, the end to end TD by the Baltimore Raven's who took the title.

Jennifer Hudson & the Sandy Hook Children's choir.
At the Grammy's, risque wear is being banned. The Star's don't get to wear whatever they want this year. A first step toward keeping the awards classy not trashy. We'll see how everyone takes it.

I've got news to report on the dog. A most recent picture will be posted soon. On command, he can now lay-own, sit, give paw, shake, high five!, stand & twirl. Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks?!? Ha!