Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

This past weekend I continued to celebrate those September Birthday's. Let's just say I had a late Saturday morning...

I woke up and got outside to walk the dog. Turning the corner, in my walking slumber nearly mid-day, I found an array of activity.

With profane gangster rap blaring from a cruising car at the stop sign, a family of Orthodox Jews with a stroller walk by in a group on the opposite side of the street as a US Postman sorted his mail next to me. I looked across the street as a well dressed woman in heels complained aloud to her companion about her rude friend. Not to mention sounds were heard of piano music coming from an unknown apartment. All the while my dog and I take our everyday walk.

Gangster Rapper

Orthodox Jewish family with stroller

US Postman

Well dressed woman in heels

Piano music from unknown apartment

The Dog that took the walk