Friday, August 26, 2011

Friday, August 26, 2011

Thinking of the evacuations on the Eastern Coast of the United States in preparedness of hurricane, Irene, hitting landfall today + tomorrow- I've been thinking of the places I've been.

I need to put the list down so I can continue to explore the places I haven't been! This list consists of the general areas I have been before the age of 25 (celebrated my 25th while in Berlin).

For the United States:

Washington-Oregon-California-Nevada-Arizona-New Mexico-Utah-Colorado-Idaho-Montana-North Dakota-Minnesota-Kansas-Louisiana-Arkansas-Missouri-Illinois-Wisconsin-Michigan-Indiana-Kentucky-Tennessee-Mississippi-Alabama-Florida-Georgia-North Carolina-West Virginia-Ohio-Pennsylvania-New York-New Hampshire-Maine-Massachusetts-Conneticut-New Jersey
=36 States

For the world:

=8 Countries

That leaves:

Texas-Wyoming-South Dakota-Virginia-Vermont-Rhode Island-Delaware-Maryland-Hawaii-Alaska-Washington D.C. & the rest of the World!