Saturday, September 12, 2009

September 11 Memorial 2009

After having watched a piece on National Geographic I realized that though it was a well done piece, one thing was missing. That was that the humans that you clearly saw on television the day of the event was humans jumping out of the building. These were noble deaths as there was no way out. I realize these images being shown on TV again would be controversial but it would help signify the magnitude of this disaster and destruction of terror done in this country on that day of September 11, 2001.

One thing that came to mind when I came to this conclusion was the recent event of 11 Andy Warhol paintings stolen from a private gallery in West Los Angeles presented via news on the day of September 11, 2009. Though these paintings have been reportedly stolen on September 3rd or 2nd it is a reminder of another significant figure in American culture, particularly and most notably recognizable from the great city of New York. This is significant in exempifying the importance of the imagery of death and tragedy of which many of his works portrayed during the 1960's. Today, skull and cross bones are seen as a trendy design symbol on everything from T-shirts to decor pillows and the like. If we as a country embrasses this type of design we shall then understand the significants of what it means and where it comes from. This symbolisim is also embrassed by the ever so popular Pirates of the Carribean sequals. Need I mention death as it is carried out in the war we are currently in.

Death is tragedy, especially in acts of terror. If the events are not played out entirely as they happend on September 11, 2009, I can understand. However, to me, the thing I remembered most on that day were the bodies jumping out of the buildings. These were the ultimate tragedies and I think it's important to remember the impact of the imagery. 9/11 Never Forget.