Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

First, I hope many people were able to experience May Day and the May Pole ribbon dance on May 1st, 2011! It's a very fond and joyuos memory of my childhood- May I strongly recommend doing!?! (no pun intended, well, MAYbe a little).

I received two pieces of mail in my mailbox which proved very difficult in unlocking the, shall we say, vintage lock. You see, I have a PO Box which works much better for me. The letters I pried from this vintage box was a document needed for taxes sent on January 24 and a
letter post marked March 18, 2011.

The Tax document had been noticeably missing and a new copy was requested. As for the letter, it stated a reply for April 15th was necessary. With an unfortunate extended stay in the mailbox, a picture of 'Flat Stanley' was to be sent back to a classroom far away with a description of his travels and which cities he had been to. It is my mission to take 'Flat Stanley' to as many places I can before sending him back to the place which summoned me to participate. Though he won't be traveling to other destinations, a good trip to LA should suffice enough so he can make it back in time for schools end!

Lastly, I had a rather very middle class American meal for dinner tonight. One that is typically had for budget reasons since it about $3 and not healthy. I find it to be classically American through & through. It was Kraft Mac & Cheese with sliced Ballpark franks mixed in and a full glass of cherry coke on the side. (I lived with Brazillians once who raved how great this smelled while cooking- who knew?!) Tomorrow, I think I'll have Chinese.