Friday, April 29, 2011

Friday, April 29, 2011

Things which happend today and things learned on my way to work:

-Prior to my own misconception, Houdini died from complications of both the water torture cell act and multiple blows to the abdomen in a Detroit hospital on Halloween October 31st, 1926.

-Based on information from my own mother complaining that she receives Viagra Spam emails from her son, I've decided it's time to change my email account. According to NPR, Spam via email is down for last year and this year but rising via social networking media. Spammers mine personal information and actually send Spam links through a known sender. An old friend on Facebook could email you and you could reply only for the Spammer to mine your information. Tricking you into thinking the person is the one you know- still, with the link to the original spam, i.e. IQ Test.

-President Obama and Mrs. Michelle Obama tour Alabama today to witness Tornado destruction which claimed 300 lives.

-The last Space shuttle launch for NASA 'Endeavor' was to take place today. This was postponed because of techical issues. Supposedly 2 heaters weren't working. Next launch date for scheduled launch, May 1st.

-The Royal Wedding took place today starting at 8:15am LONDON time.