Thursday, May 24, 2012

I kid you not, yesterday I saw these 2 girls working out in front of their apartment. Stretching and everything on the sidewalk. Then,  I looked up and they had their 47" flat panel television facing out the window with an exercise dvd on. I don't know if they thought it was their sorority house or wanted to reminisce but they were making quite a spectacle of themselves on an otherwise peaceful evening in the neighborhood. Quickly, my walk became a speedy gait since I was offended by the large screen television workout grunts + grown sounds echoing off the many building facades. 

Most interestingly is the horse tracks these days, with the consistent wins of "I'll Have Another"! This horse and jockey (see prior post) are on a role with wins at Santa Anita, The Kentucky Derby, Preakness Stakes and next up, Belmont Stakes. To me, he's already a triple crown horse. If this team wins the Belmont Stakes- it will be the first (technical) Triple Crown since 1978! 

Check out this amazingly fabulous finish (and more) at the 137th Preakness Stakes:

For the Win. I love it!

Now, my thoughts wander to Maui, Hawaii where my twin brother spends his first full day as a resident of that island state! Aloha Brah!

Common Hawaiian Terms:

Maui, HI