Thursday, August 11, 2011

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Yesterday started off a bit bumpy and I wanted to write but was unavailable. Ahh, technology...more on that later.

When I woke up, I was in a less than spirited mood. I awoke to clouds and cooler weather. Not something to expect for SoCal in August. In all honesty, it was more me than the weather. I quickly changed things around.

I took the dog for a walk but we did not run into any other furry friends, perhaps 7:30am was too early.

When we got back I gave him a treat. Then threw a toy and we proceeded to do our typical chaise around the cocktail table. Rex now leaps up onto the sofa and back down to the floor to go around again. When tugging on the toy, the whites of his eyes show which means he's in a very playful mood- recalling his puppy stage!

Then, I got ambitious to make a smoothy just for work. This sent me on the right path and my day turned out great.

Meeting up for drinks with work people in the evening on Melrose just a few blocks from my place, I was able to get back to the home front at a reasonable time. Just enough to pleasantly round out the summer weekday.