Saturday, September 4, 2010

Saturday September 4, 2010

Summer has past. A Michigan trip for family camping, relatives wedding and otherwise relatively uneventfulsummer. Which is actually a blessing compared to what I had going on. A new place & new neighborhood has welcomed me in the month of June. Loving the solitude unobstructed of otherwise immaturity of grown adults who surrounded me of the later months of 2009. So, that said, I quite enjoyed the summer and company of new friends!

Went to Arshile Gorky exhibit, the premier Armenian painter of his time. First learned of his work in 2001. Can't wait to see the exhibited works of the late Dennis Hopper just before it closes this month. Thrilled to find that Seattle embrassed a media exhibit of Andy Warhol which closes in a couple days.

Hot in LA of nearly 90 degrees today.
Not much else to report in way of news around the world with my current lack of connectivity.