Friday, August 17, 2012

Friday, August 17, 2012

Starting the weekend off right! by a swim of about 200 freestyle and 400 breaststroke. I love freestyle it's my absolute favorite. I don't know what I would do without it. I am best at breaststroke but it is not my favorite. 
The stroke I admire the most is butterfly. As far as I'm concerned, the backstroke you can take it or leave it.
A medley relay is really the absolute best and probably the most fun to watch with all four strokes combined. The individual medley was never for me of course since, well, what I mentioned above. And the pool.....

 The City of LA could benefit for charging admission to those seniors or 17 & under who swim at the outdoor pools for the operating season of June 23 - Sept. 3rd. Adults are charged $2.00 with library card for a 1hr. lap swim. Call it an absurd notion but I think school lunches could probably get a little better.

When I swim, I enjoy the pace and keep track with a pace clock. I saw a huge billboard for a watch which got me thinking about time. Watches went out of trend when cell phones came on the scene and especially when the iPhone came out in 2007. I believe they are back with vengeance and here to stay.

A few styles, ahem, I like are.....