Saturday, July 28, 2012

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Let the games begin! With the London Olympic Games 2012 opening ceremony out of the way (always long with unnecessary moments), the competition starts.

My top three favorite highlights for the official opening were;

Forging of the Olympic rings

A tree of life, symbolic in more ways than I had imagined. At first glance, I believed the tree to be a unifying element to the games as it represents the hierarchy or podium for medal ceremonies. It appears most effectively as shown with National Flags to signify a peaceful + unifying element.

With some sleuthing, since I had not watched the opening in its entirety, I discovered;

Glastonbury Tor, a hill at Glastonbury, Somerset, England features a roofless St. Michael's Tower

This opening portion was named, the “Green and Pleasant” theme, which is a line taken from a William Blake 1808 poem, “And did those feet in ancient time”, from a collection of writings known as the Prophetic Books.


USA look's great in their Ralph Lauren over-dramatized Chinese made uniforms. Go America!

With a follow up to a successful 5th Birthday for Rex, he met a new friend that day.

A Lion & Rex