Saturday, August 25, 2012

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Watched a program about deregulated FM radio by Ronald Reagan in the 80's which changed the law that no one in America could own more than 7 radio stations and suddenly corporations took over the artistry of the profession. This was evidently after marketing agents took the alternative music listening protesters of the 1960's and realized all these people listening to Bob Marley & Jefferson Airplane could be their target market. Problem was, as an example, focus groups were studied with an apparent outcome that people said they like Bob Marley "I shot the Sheriff" but focus group leaders alleged the listener didn't REALLY like Bob Marley, so, they played a more watered down Eric Clapton version. This kept radio mainstream and without controversy. Then MTV came on the scene.....and radio, well, we all know what it is today.....

This was AFTER I reminisced and wished I could be at a Grateful Dead concert this summer Saturday night more than anything. It's the first concert I ever went to (probably posted that before and might again...). Sugar Magnolia and Jerry Garcia- such a great scene from no matter what your walk of life, putting all things aside, seriously.

A fabulous album.

That's not to say this alternative music listener is not a fan of top of the pop charts. Listening to Mariah Carey + Whitney Houston's albums in the car the other day brought me back to my last two serious relationships. Each album came out at their demise. Pop music really takes hold because of their simple, everyday people, relateable lyrics. Of course, the hook is their simple repetition and fresh new sound.

We were just getting to know Mariah Carey on her debut self titled album back in 1990. Have you heard her vocals on this one? A far cry from the Grateful Dead yet a firm contribution to music for the diversified listener.

On another note, one of America's finest explorer's, Neil Armstrong has passed on August 25th, 2012.

  The first man to walk on the moon. An incredible feet at an incredible time in our history. An American Hero.

Tomorrow, an early morning run on the Santa Monica beach!