Thursday, September 30, 2010

September 30th, 2010

Last day of the Month! What does that mean? Pay Day. Been able to bring my dog to work the last couple of days. Trying to beat the heat as the begining part of the week was 113 degrees! Laying low and enjoying the transition into October which brings comfort as it will be my birthday soon. I've been reading bits and pieces of "The Rise of the City" about how Americans have evolved. Especially, white Americans like the scores of German Russians who populated the States in the 1890's from being essentially exiled off of native land. The white Americans and others today are a conglomerate of individuals who left native lands to start a new. At the expense of the natives already here a struggle occured and one that was an unfair fight with our use of guns. I believe today a fear is still felt between white Americans and those of native North American descent. However, having a black President such as Obama should signify that things are changing. Regardless, anyone interested in how our country developed, mainly within the city, should read this book. Any struggle should be met with optimism and positivity as negativity only diverts to digression.