Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Tuesday, August 2nd, 2011

Debt Deal is passed. Still yet to be seen is the stability or possible lack there of for such a late deal for our obscene debt. Our Nation clearly has a problem with OVER spending from the Top down.

No new Tax increases (republicans vow to make sure & democrats left to compromise)mean that the wealthy won't lose any money but the less fortunate people who benefit with government funds will have the brunt of the burdon, i.e. social security or military won't get paid. It's a classic case of the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer.

I saw on 60 Minutes last Sunday, July 31st, 2011 about a story on Brazil (re-run but more poingnant for today). They have an economic boom right now. One reason they say this happened was that the poor were given X amount of $ which was then pumped back into the economy. Purchases were made for appliances such as Refridgerators, Ovens/Stove tops, etc. This increased production (jobs) and brought individuals a little closer to economic stability. (discovering new oil reserves also helps) It's a great example, not to mention they have NO interest in War and haven't been in one since the 19th Century.


As the saying goes, 'Work smarter not harder!'