Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Leila Luliana da Costa Vieira Lopes
(born February 26, 1986- Angola, Africa)
Though I do not believe human perfection of outer appearence can be any closer than this years Ms. Universe, I do believe no better choice was given for the title. She said, quite seriously, she wants to be a successful business woman and fight HIV/AIDS worldwide. Hopefully, we won't be seeing her in any scandal (which seems to be too often the case these days) but as it appears right now- she is a prime example of inspiration for us all in the 21st Century- stunning.

Some reports only mentioned how USA did not make the top 5 contestants. Not only did USA not make the top 5 but she did not make the top 10! Which brings me to my next diary note...

On UTB Japanese- Newsline (similar to BBC World News), I saw an Asian woman interviewing an Indian woman about our world today. Both women spoke of how the world is recegonizing various nations powers today in the global economy. During the interview, these women spoke about how their native countries, China and India are bigger global market players than the USA. This was coming from an Asian broadcasting system, however, their opinions hold quite a bit of merit. It shows how USA is slipping and we need to regain our footing. It's been too much of a slippery slope in the first decade of the 21st Century.
Top 10 2011 Index of Economic Freedom

Last, Sirtuins are hypothesized to play a key role in an organism's response to stresses (such as heat or starvation) and to be responsible for the lifespan-extending effects of calorie restriction. I watched a program over the weekend while downloading songs from iTunes about this gene that everyone has- only discovered in 2000 (in the US). It just needs to be awakend by calorie restriction. For example, scientists did a study on mammals giving 2 subjects the same food but 1 subject received 30% less over 20 years. This 1 subject looked 20-30 years younger than the other. Sirtuins fight off the 'attacking' agents which age the human body. I'm certainly a believer. Implementing this, maybe we can all come a little closer to the perfection of Ms. UNIVERSE 2011!!