Friday, May 13, 2011

Friday, April 13, 2011

I strongly recommend 3 important movies to watch in order to better understand our world today which has been shaped in the last decade 2001-20011. These 3 movies, which outline stages of the decade in said order, combined will help anyone better understand American culture and it's domineering presence of its political powers.

Not to be confused with conspiracy theories nor lack of patriotism on my part. These movies are presented primarily by documenting information which seems most confidently, based on fact. I am much more educated knowing the information presented in these 3 movies and prepared to take on the future.

They are (best watched in order of appearance);

1. 911 In Plane Site
2. Fair Game
3. Inside Job

3 significant points from 'Inside Job':

1. Alan Greenspan
2. Deregulation
3. Collateralized Debt Obligations (CDO's)