Thursday, January 12, 2012

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Liam Neeson is a believable character as Dr. Alfred Kinsey in the movie, "Kinsey". I watched this a couple of days ago. The movie itself seemed to fade in and out of being a movie and documentary- I would have preferred it to stick to one or the other.
Liam Neeson as Dr. Alfred Kinsey
In my opinion, I've never understood the controversy behind sexuality. It's something everyone does/is, one way or another. Taking advantage of others who do not have the capability to understand as in such cases of pedophilia or incest, for example, is where I find it to be a problem. In contemporary history, these things still come up. If people are willing to document sexual acts for research, on the level of higher education for The Kinsey Institute, it's for the better. Of us all.

Don't get me wrong, I don't want anyone publishing my sexual habits.:) I get that.

I may also have a biased opinion since I am from Bloomington, Indiana where this research takes place + has since Alfred Kinsey started it at Indiana University. It's a very small liberal pocket in a very Republican State.

Take the Kinsey Scale for instance, can you really argue with this method? Genius.
The Kinsey Scale 
It's 2012, the future is now, sexuality should not be a threatening subject. If it's understood, a more civil society should come of it. After all, if it weren't for education in this area, we'd still be walking around not knowing how to conceive.  Nuclear energy, melting polar ice caps or balancing a budget with a financial deficit is where we may have a problem.