Thursday, February 23, 2012

Thursday, February 23, 2012

A mundane day is here. The weather is beautiful but my ambition lacks. After a restless sleep with very disturbing obscure dreams which can hardly be explained, a sense of calm was found in the wee hours of early morning. ....Pause.

After writing the above, I further investigated what this might mean according to the stars. Believe it or not, it has assisted me before and today is no exception!! 2 sources were researched to get more explaination.
The Zodiac
First, @, my daily horoscope says;
You need to play more today. Even if you’re no fan of sports or games, you should still find ways to inject more fun into your routines, as your great energy is perfect for enjoying what you’ve got.

Second, @ yahoo astrology, my daily horoscope says;
Disturbing dreams don't have to ruin your waking days! Just because you had some night visions that were somewhat confusing or frightening doesn't mean that they are portending anything bad coming into your life. Sometimes a dream is just a dream -- your subconscious mind is just playing around with different ideas and images. There's no hidden puzzle for you to solve, so don't waste time today trying to figure them out. You'll have different dreams tonight.

Astrology may not be taken too seriously but there is certainly something in those stars + human interpretation somehow has a way to hammer it out. Incredible.