Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Girl Scout Cookie time! The season is upon us and I've been able to score a couple of boxes of Thin Mints + Tagalongs. This is the first time in years, like 5 or more since I've had the opportunity to order them. I know, it's hard to believe myself. It's worth the wait + just as good as I remember. Thank you Girl Scouts of America! Celebrating their 100th year in 2012.
2012 is a year of change according to Chinese year of the Dragon. I won't jinx myself but it certainly rings true for a number of others that I know. Change is constant, considering we're in the first few months of the year, these changes seem bigger + more frequent than last.

Evidently, I was born in the year of the Dragon with the elemental sign of fire.
This is not your uncle.
Watched a show about the disappearing Orangutang population in Indonesia. Studied by a woman appointed as a Trimate- the other, Jane Goodall for Gorillas & another woman for Chimpanzees as it was said women make for better observing. Apparently, the way cool Oranguntangs have only 10 years before they are gone & only left in the care of "people and their cold embrace". Loss of natural habitat for illegal logging & slaying are the reasons for their demise. Surprisingly, it was noted that Indonesia is the 3rd largest contributor to Global Warming after the United States & China. Gee Wiz! Make it stop!