Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I first saw James Franco as 'James Dean' in the TV movie way back in 2001. Completely impressed by his spot on character portrayal and dashing good looks, I was hooked on this Hollywood Star.

Again I saw him in 'HOWL' portraying Allen Gingsberg. He did a wonderful job. The real gem is the interview of Peter Orlovsky, Allen's life partner, in the extra section of the DVD. The movie was good but the animation was a bit disjunct from the timeperiod of the 'beat generation'. These scenes did assist as it interpreted words through pictures, if you will.

I couldn't help but wonder if 'HOWL' was the inspiration of Florence + the Machine's song 'HOWL' or if there was any relation. Whichever the case, it's a good segway in introducing the music I've been listening to.

The style of Florence + the Machine is impactful with the deco-esque album cover and dress of this artists latest creations. Inspiring + different- vocally + stylistically speaking. Her powerful voice reminds me of Grace Slick of Jefferson Airplane- aaahhhh...'White Rabbit'.

It definetely gives me a breath of fresh air of true artistry, though pop? she may be.