Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Memorial Day weekend has passed and we are in the short work week mode. It appeared most had a celebratory weekend, hopefully with some thought paying tribute to those Americans lost during War.

I took the time to travel to Laguna Beach, CA which only took an hour & fifteen minutes on the freeway. A gorgeous community with many great beaches and secluded coves.

Freeway Interchanges

A great cove discovery was made with the pooch since many of the beaches in Laguna allow dogs until June 14th -- a total dream since Rex enjoys the sand- not so much the gigantic sea which he knows would swallow him whole.

The very gorgeous cove I spent most of the day at in Laguna (I refrained from the jam packed beaches which lined the coast for such a busy weekend)

On the way back, taking the PCH, I stopped at my favorite fish market + restaurant in Redondo Beach, CA. I enjoy red meat and seafood equally with consistent enthusiasm - vegetables are a close 2nd. :-) Captain Kidd's was first discovered at a very good friends wedding in Palos Verdes, CA in 2008, the excitement still has not worn off + probably won't!
A fresh seafood purchase was in order at this gem of a market. Clam strips with orders of fresh crab cocktail, mahi mahi + halibut fillets, scallops & an order for a mahi mahi burger off the grill were taken for the road.

Manhattan Beach
The mahi mahi burger and cold drink with shaved ice (love shaved ice) was tremendously enjoyed at the always great Manhattan Beach!

Having such a beach weekend with sun and cares to the wind, ones neurological cells must be re-stimulated. This was weakly accomplished by a double feature of very well acted + intriguing characters in "The Iron Lady" with lead Meryl Streep as Margaret Thatcher and "J.Edgar", lead by Leonardo DiCaprio as J. Edgar Hoover.
Meryl Streep as Margaret Thatcher

Leonardo DiCaprio as John Edgar Hoover

Equal critical acclaim is deserved for both movies. Each film was enlightening of each era while leaving a better understanding of the development of our world today. The characters gave an enchanting glimpse to their personal world and how much their devotion to careers signified the mark they left behind.