Thursday, May 8, 2008

Thursday May 5, 2008

my stomach churns at the thought of today's environmental issues. the first experience that i recall about this issue was in the 3rd grade reading a large book with big glossy pages of photographs of the amazon rainforest and its people describing how we are cutting down this rainforest at an alarming rate.

some simple steps that i live by to help the environment:

1. think creatively to drive less and walk more. if driving is necessary consider the bus or carpooling. trains are spectacular. commuting for a generous amount of time is out of date and if you do this, so are you.

2. recycle religiously. plastic, paper, glass, magazines, etc. see to it that your garbage is reduced. if your community does not have a recycling facility, this is archaic.

3. use environment friendly cleaning products; i.e. detergents, soaps, toilet bowl cleaner, etc. water goes into the gray water drain system and cutting back on any chemicals in any water system good. eventually any water cycle finds itself back into our environment. reduce the use of chemicals for cleaning.

4. any task using water should be cut back. time yourself at a task that involves water and the next time you do the task try to beat your time. conserve, think of it as investing, save now for more later. lack of water is a crisis waiting to happen.

5. displace water in your toilet tank by inserting a milk jug full of pebbles.

6. plant something.....anywhere.

7. don't just think of yourself- think of what you want to leave behind.