Friday, May 11, 2012

After nearly a month hiatus, I am back. Without prior plans for the lapse of time between posts, I surprise myself on this delay. Life certainly got in the way.

Missing several things last weekend such as Cinco de Mayo, LA Modernism Show and other such events, I stop short of journaling these happenings. The one thing I did manage to see was the Kentucky Derby! What a race it was! Albeit, the network needed to tighten up its broadcast of the even since it was drawn out way to long. An appearence of Mary J Blige singing the National Anthem was a treat but then another delay before the race started with the blink of an eye.

An upset some may say with an $11,000.00 thoroughbred horse winning the day! Well deserved as it seized the final stretch for a win with the debuting jockey.

Mario Gutierrez rides I'll Have Another for the win at 2012 Kentucky Derby

And for all you Mother's out there this weekend.........