Saturday, September 26, 2009

Saturday September 26, 2009

the other day I went out for some errands and went window shopping. when i buy things i've always liked getting the best deal possible even though the object may be expensive to begin with. however, when i was out i saw all the name brand stores like calvin klein, d&g, h&m and department stores like macy and bloomingdales. i even went to discount stores like nordstrom rack and others. i saw some tempting items that i'd like afterall fashion is part of personality. for a t-shirt many stores wanted $29-$75.00. the price structure was equivalent for pants, jeans, shoes and business clothes. many stores seemed empty. then, i got to thinking about no wonder our economy is bad. even sale prices seemed expensive. i did not buy anything since i did not feel like getting ripped off. how much is that product produced for?