Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Aside from a couple of missed acquaintance connections this passed weekend but not without effort, I enjoyed my weekend with a kick start of the televised Santa Anita Derby. I cannot wait for the 138th Kentucky Derby!
Santa Anita Derby

Churchill Downs
Sunday was Easter with lots of people out sharing time with family and enjoying the Spring weather! I took the day to venture to Santa Monica with the Rollerblades on the Strand early in the morning. Some shopping and great deals on the 3rd Street Promenade was a good way to cool down - the local street singers were amazingly good (much better than the Voice, X Factor, etc., etc.).
The Strand
Then, off to the Rosebowl for some Flea Market finds for the rest of the day!
Enough said...
In preparation for an extended weekend trip to Seattle, I took the pooch to the Vet this AM for ridiculous flight regulations which clearly are meant for livestock and not the traveling company who can easily fit underneath the airplane seat in front of me. On to Taxes (looking for that refund) tonight and those glorious household chores for a return of a promisingly clean home.  

The Vet, a cute little home in the middle of the city.