Sunday, March 24, 2013

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Rooting for my Alma Mater today as they enter the sweet sixteen in March Madness NCAA basketball, I'm pleased to say they won by ten to knock out Temple from the tourney. Go HOOSIERS!

Without 6'5" Guard, Victor Oladipo- Indiana University Basketball 2013 season would not be the same. He defends on one end of the court & goes coast to coast for stunts like this!

Will Sheehey is a 6'7" Forward and is the other favorite of mine to watch. He holds his own & is a consistent player. Great win today!

Switching subjects entirely:

As I prepare for the week ahead, I've gone through my 'chores' & found some time to read a great article from a Hawaiian publication my brother sent me about a tree called the Wili Wili. I acquired a forever lei on my recent trip to Hawaii made of its precious seeds.

This highly prized seed lei of Hawaii is  found from a tree which cannot be identified by its exact age. My lei is much larger but basically looks like this. It's really a 'natural wonder' tree. 

Found in remote, arid climates of Hawaii, the endangered tree is becoming scarce without having too much knowledge about it.

Find more information on to support the mission,

or read the article with Hai On, here;

Me with my Wili Wili lei & other forever lei's. Mahalo!
(check out my new post on