Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Paper Aeroplanes.

Tangible yet imaginative. Realistic but figurative. Playful with err on the side of serious. Escapism and not too far.

Light. Material accessible. Sense of adventure.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Sunday, April 7, 2013

I can say I'll be voting for Wendy Greuel for Los Angeles City Mayor in the next elections. However, not because she is female. Simply because she has been city controller and has a handle on finances for the city plus I think she is the strongest candidate. I heard a spot on the local news about feminism and how she basically needs to be elected because she is a woman. That's what I got from it anyway. This is after Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg was standing up for women's rights on 60mins. recently. She's got one of the best ranking jobs in the world- and she makes her husband do the laundry. What is it women are asking for?

Wendy Greuel
The message gets mixed when supporters argue women need to be included simply because they are women. We've got great women in our world and to me, I see women rising through our ranks every day (my own mother proved to be an example of a breadwinner- she's also a feminist too so I should watch it- but I am giving praise). This may not be true in other countries and a woman has not been US President or Vice President but it can happen in due time. 

Women had a set back way back when the kitchen was the only place for them- we've come a long way. If a woman isn't a feminist, I see a problem there but men must stick with men on the same level. It's a modern world but I'm afraid I won't be supporting others based on race, orientation or gender, ever!

This is not at all what I was going to write about on my entry today but after waking up early to do household chores, I turned on the TV for Meet the Press & thus politics started with my day. 

Do you think Los Angeles is becoming more walkable? Hardly. I woke up this morning feeling like the air was clogged- oh, yeah, that was smog. Evidently, Ed Bagley, activist and actor thinks LA is becoming more walkable. It is by choice as he said. Live closer to work so you can walk more and have shorter commutes. This has always been my motto. If you work in the city, live in the city. If you want to live in the country, work in the country. If you live in one city and work in another city- change it. It's not healthy for you or others around you.

Walkable and Los Angeles shouldn't be used in the same sentence.

I wanted to write about paper aeroplanes, fruit smoothies, fabulous spring weather and my new iMac. C'est La Vie!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Monday, April 1, 2013

April showers bring May flowers- happy April 1st! Spring is definitely here & to stay....until Summer that is!

Last week was big news in gay politics. It's gone to the Supreme Court of the United States! Challenging the Defense of Marriage Act of 1996 which restricts the right to marry only between a man and a woman. Evidently the Supreme Court is finding itself in 'uncharted waters'. I won't divulge into debating this issue until the ruling. I for one support gay marriage. If people defend marriage so much to exclude others who would like to have the same opportunity- someone needs to be explaining divorce in as clear a manner.

Pop culture has embraced marriage equality by using this symbol on Facebook showing solidarity.

The subject matter is poignant on the heals of the Pope being replaced after questionable resignation from the church with strict reference to contemporary break down of the Catholic religion. In addition, the Boy Scouts of America delayed the decision to allow (openly) gay scouts. With this, Madonna made a fashion choice last week in a scouts uniform to protest the organizations antigay policies at NYC's GLAAD Media Awards.

Openly gay Anderson Cooper & Madonna on March 16th

Oz the Great and Powerful was observed this weekend with no preconceived notions. A wonderful cast and some scenes were completely enamoring & I was mesmerized. On the flip side, many costume choices were lacking in construction or appropriateness & believability of characters at times were compromised in part by the choices. A very imaginative movie with some really incredible parts, others, not so much. This was a major motion picture and for that, I don't discredit but raise my expectations. I would rate this movie 3.5 stars out of 5- with recommendation. (3D version might be nicer)

Yellow brick road leading to the notorious Emerald City of OZ.

Spring is an awakening which should inspire & bring a new. Take advantage. Fresh flowers always exemplify these charactaristics of the season. I bought some myself!