Monday, January 21, 2013

Monday, January 21, 2013

For those who care, and many don't, today was a very important day for America. Setting an example for the world and to those who are too shallow to recognize triumphs of overcoming, scraped to the core of our bones as humans, dignity is what was represented today.

Some are not prepared for the changes which are taking place in this country which highlight minority groups such as black people, Hispanics & the gay community. All of whom are our brothers and sisters, sons & daughters.

It may not be the focus of power & money higher society has hoped for but it is a day of change for peoples who have long been patiently building & waiting for their turn. Struggles can come again, but today was a day of recognition and leadership that has been stifled throughout history.

One of America's greats, Martin Luther King Jr., had his birthday and accomplishments recognized today as our National Holiday. "The Time is Always Right to Do What is Right"

His dream is coming true.
We've come a long way from this....

To this....
President of the United States of America
Then, our President, Barrack Obama, was inaugurated for his second term in the Oval Office. Swearing in with his hand placed on President Abraham Lincoln's & Martin Luther King Jr.'s stacked bibles was a gesture showing how far we have come in the face of many challenges as a country.

I am so proud to be an American today.
If anyone is hung up on the state of the economy today or what lies ahead for our fiscal future is undermining the magnificence of these current events which is an insult to our nation but mostly themselves.