Friday, June 29, 2012

Friday, June 29, 2012

After a busy week, I had a stellar surprise visit from one of my favorite uncles, Doug M.! We met at the Hyatt Regency Beverly Hills while he was in town on business. Had a fantastic conversation/catch-up at the nearby Rock Suger Pan-Asian Kitchen located in the Westfield- Century City outdoor mall.

The lower profile Hyatt Regency faces the Annenberg Space for Photography, ,which is the horizontal elongated building with center void by Gensler Architects.

Interior of RockSugar at Westfield- we sat at the table directly in the center
Once home, after a few drinks balanced with plenty of water ;) , some delicious food & a small waiter mishap of a broken glass that didn't rattle our chat- dog walk time! We ran into the downstairs neighbor and his dog while other neighbors to follow with their medium dogs. Chatted some more while the dogs met for the dog convention! Rex was well behalved & the only one out 5 dogs who did not run after the random stranger walking by while being off leash. Good boy Rex! Shake paw!!

I was presented a Red Velvet cake from Sweet Lady Jane by a very supportive co-worker today. And it looked exactly like this;

YUM! Thanks Shaun!!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Grandma's Birthday today, turns 84. Spoke to the other Grandma as well. Always good to touch base with the Elders. New job paperwork sent and confirmed. If this is hump day, I'm on the descend with a smooth as butta landing! Feeling good and amped for new experiences that take advantage of my business mind & happy spirit!

Enjoying watching the Olympic trials tremendously and geared up for the London 2012 Olympics- July 27th- one month from today! Sports don't get better than this competition!

A sure thing is a new movie with an all star cast that I cannot wait to see!! These types of movies come around once in a blue moon. Out now, it is, of course;

It best not dissapoint.....I'm sure it won't!
It's summer! Swimming will be had this weekend as it is a favorite pastime. I may just dust off my old paint brushes + drawing books and do more artwork. I'll call the new bodies of work part of my 'variegaded' period. ;-)

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Thursday, June 14, 2012

“Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.”

― Ralph Waldo Emerson

I have only one magnet as a quote stuck to my fridge given to me by my cousin, Coco LaMantia, several years ago. I try to remember to read it each day- it's a good one. Thanks Coco!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The winds were taken out of my sails when I heard the news that the Belmont Stakes would not be the same as imagined due to the injury of now retired horse, "I'll Have Another". At least this horse can retire as a champ!
James Franco- Rebel
The past weekend still was packed full. First, it started with the not so well received James Franco 'Rebel' exhibit at Antique dealer JF Chen's space which was sponsored by Gucci + 7 For All Mankind put on by MOCA. Not being familiar with Franco's other visual art work, this initial introduction was a shock + way off from what I expected as a visual interpretation stemming from James Dean and one of my favorite movies, 'Rebel without a Cause'. That said, the exhibit grew on me as I wandered through the re-creation of the bungalows of famed Chateau Marmont. (I also relished the parts I loved + ignored the parts I didn't- I recommend this when viewing any type of art).
First thing you see as you walk into the space

 One of the MANY provocative video montage's which comprise the exhibition (so much so I was reminiscent of watching TV at home on my flat panel....)

To me, any new exhibition is worth a look. And if the art doesn't 'move' an individual in one way or another, I think it misses the mark. But, if one finds themselves indifferent to a piece there is something to be said for that. The only conversation I've had with someone who has seen the work said an art critic told them they had one word to describe these installations for 'Rebel'- adolescent.

Spaces between the bungalows with a Hollywood sign upside down + backwords

James Franco in drag

My favorite part. The pool symbolizing James Dean and his motorcycle with a falling car from the sky which disappears into the ground on the video installation. To add to this experience, which I found absolutely joyful, a guy was lounging on a lounge chair off to the side simply reading a David Sedaris book;

Last, though much could be said about this particular exhibition offended by it or not, it generates discussion. Even if the exhibit lacks maturity, I believe the art world doesn't always have to be the one snubbing- sometimes the art snubs at the artworld. I reserve my opinions to see for yourself without recommendation.

After some online browsing of I decided to do some physical shopping, taking advantage of those Father's Day Sales! Coming up JUNE 17th!!!

Then, with the spirit of shopping mode, I took myself to Pasadena to check out the Swap Meet. Had my hands on a few overpriced items + more reasonable priced items. Still, I left with nothing and had a great time!
Hanging out with new acquaintances for dinner + new so-so french film topped off the weekend!
Surprisingly, a particular campy moment in the movie 'Nobody Else But You'. Let's just say a dairy moment without giving to much away.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Thursday, June 7, 2012

I like this title: ...A horse for the Everyman

This article is of course talking about the potential Triple Crown winner this weekend, I'll Have Another. Some good details and I smell a horse movie coming next.......................

Griffith Park trails in higher elevations

A great hike in Griffith Park earlier (Monday evening after work to be exact) this week was had. Without seeing the the phenomenon of Venus passing between the Sun + the Earth, I also don't expect to see it next in 105 years! Regardless, the hike offered new sights on trails I had not been on. I prefer the higher elevations for pay off of the magnificent views. 

 Something Funny