Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Memorial Day weekend has passed and we are in the short work week mode. It appeared most had a celebratory weekend, hopefully with some thought paying tribute to those Americans lost during War.

I took the time to travel to Laguna Beach, CA which only took an hour & fifteen minutes on the freeway. A gorgeous community with many great beaches and secluded coves.

Freeway Interchanges

A great cove discovery was made with the pooch since many of the beaches in Laguna allow dogs until June 14th -- a total dream since Rex enjoys the sand- not so much the gigantic sea which he knows would swallow him whole.

The very gorgeous cove I spent most of the day at in Laguna (I refrained from the jam packed beaches which lined the coast for such a busy weekend)

On the way back, taking the PCH, I stopped at my favorite fish market + restaurant in Redondo Beach, CA. I enjoy red meat and seafood equally with consistent enthusiasm - vegetables are a close 2nd. :-) Captain Kidd's was first discovered at a very good friends wedding in Palos Verdes, CA in 2008, the excitement still has not worn off + probably won't!
A fresh seafood purchase was in order at this gem of a market. Clam strips with orders of fresh crab cocktail, mahi mahi + halibut fillets, scallops & an order for a mahi mahi burger off the grill were taken for the road.

Manhattan Beach
The mahi mahi burger and cold drink with shaved ice (love shaved ice) was tremendously enjoyed at the always great Manhattan Beach!

Having such a beach weekend with sun and cares to the wind, ones neurological cells must be re-stimulated. This was weakly accomplished by a double feature of very well acted + intriguing characters in "The Iron Lady" with lead Meryl Streep as Margaret Thatcher and "J.Edgar", lead by Leonardo DiCaprio as J. Edgar Hoover.
Meryl Streep as Margaret Thatcher

Leonardo DiCaprio as John Edgar Hoover

Equal critical acclaim is deserved for both movies. Each film was enlightening of each era while leaving a better understanding of the development of our world today. The characters gave an enchanting glimpse to their personal world and how much their devotion to careers signified the mark they left behind.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

I kid you not, yesterday I saw these 2 girls working out in front of their apartment. Stretching and everything on the sidewalk. Then,  I looked up and they had their 47" flat panel television facing out the window with an exercise dvd on. I don't know if they thought it was their sorority house or wanted to reminisce but they were making quite a spectacle of themselves on an otherwise peaceful evening in the neighborhood. Quickly, my walk became a speedy gait since I was offended by the large screen television workout grunts + grown sounds echoing off the many building facades. 

Most interestingly is the horse tracks these days, with the consistent wins of "I'll Have Another"! This horse and jockey (see prior post) are on a role with wins at Santa Anita, The Kentucky Derby, Preakness Stakes and next up, Belmont Stakes. To me, he's already a triple crown horse. If this team wins the Belmont Stakes- it will be the first (technical) Triple Crown since 1978! 

Check out this amazingly fabulous finish (and more) at the 137th Preakness Stakes:

For the Win. I love it!

Now, my thoughts wander to Maui, Hawaii where my twin brother spends his first full day as a resident of that island state! Aloha Brah!

Common Hawaiian Terms:

Maui, HI

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Thursday, May 17, 2012

First, a tribute to the provocative disco queen, Donna Summer, who passed away today at the age of 63.

My latest trip to Seattle last weekend turned out to be a feast for the eyes + senses! With a not to miss visit to the antique mall, Pacific Galleries on 1st + Lander in Sodo, a treasure trove of antiquities and other such interests were found, yet again.

Here is an assortment of detailed curatorial displays of favorites which I saw there:

 Playful display on a very regal Dog

Grand Interior



 ..........& more Jewels!

Daffodils & volcanic Mt. Rainier- a massive painting I would have purchased, already SOLD!

 A 1950's sign no doubt for a campground or such, another worthy of purchase- about 8' tall

The Olympic Mts. with a flight at dusk (notice The Brothers peaks left of the planes' stabilizer) ....I bid adieu + fare thee well Seattle

(soon, another post of NW adventure which was captured via photos the same weekend)

Friday, May 11, 2012

After nearly a month hiatus, I am back. Without prior plans for the lapse of time between posts, I surprise myself on this delay. Life certainly got in the way.

Missing several things last weekend such as Cinco de Mayo, LA Modernism Show and other such events, I stop short of journaling these happenings. The one thing I did manage to see was the Kentucky Derby! What a race it was! Albeit, the network needed to tighten up its broadcast of the even since it was drawn out way to long. An appearence of Mary J Blige singing the National Anthem was a treat but then another delay before the race started with the blink of an eye.

An upset some may say with an $11,000.00 thoroughbred horse winning the day! Well deserved as it seized the final stretch for a win with the debuting jockey.

Mario Gutierrez rides I'll Have Another for the win at 2012 Kentucky Derby

And for all you Mother's out there this weekend.........