Friday, March 30, 2012

Friday, March 30, 2012

Rant: Oddly, I have seen a number of pedestrians this week on foot walking on arterial route streets, not on the sidewalk but on the narrow street (no, they don't look homeless and no, they aren't pushing carts of their belongings). Normal people using an unconventional path to get to point A to B. 

That said, I've seen the pedestrian on wheels, i.e. skateboard or bike, use the sidewalk.

Is there a new law or fad going on that I'm not aware of? I doubt it. Seems silly to me to take these routes, especially in a drive centric city.
Friendly reminders :-)

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Thursday, March 29, 2012

I'm looking forward to hearing a panel for Art + Politics by The Center for the Study of Political Graphicsthis Saturday at one of the local Libraries. It's a discussion of panelists sharing their experiences as political artists from the decade of 1965-1975. The discussion focuses on how they created art that helped build the work of the Anti-War movement, the Black Panther Party, Chicano Moratorium, United Farm Workers, the Women's movements and more. 

According to Wikipedia: The Center for the Study of Political Graphics (CSPG) was founded in 1989. The archive currently contains more than 60,000 posters and has the largest collection of post-World War 2 social justice posters in the United States and the second largest in the world. Media and techniques represented include offset, lithography, linocut, woodblock, silkscreen, stencil, and photocopy.

These remind me of a workshop I once did on woodblock printing. It's a simple technique of printing and coming up with the drawing is the difficult part. I highly recommend giving it a try!

On a much lighter note and quite off the subject, I recently came across an old song for pop music in the 1980's which has been covered before and since. However strange it may be, it's a danceable song and without noticing, one might believe it's a new song released today. Recently downloaded from iTunes it is:

Stacey Q- Two of Hearts

Blast from the Past!! LOL

Monday, March 26, 2012

Monday, March 26, 2012

Monday started off well after a busy last couple of weeks, thankfully. After watching much of the NCAA tournament this weekend and lots of rain, I feel well rested and ready to take on new challenges.

The Pacific Design Center is a big reason for the events surrounding West Week in Los Angeles.
Last week was West Week, the Design week for Los Angeles and much of the famed designers throughout the country descend upon this West Coast city to experience its offerings of California design.

Newell Turner
Events + Parties abound- the good friend of the blog; ,came out to support a House Beautiful event with Editor In Chief, Newell Turner hosted by Interior Designer, Peter Dunham, of Hollywood At Home in the La Cienega Design Quarter. The Duchess made it more fun and enjoyable.

Interior Designer, Peter Dunham

Hollywood At Home
Getting ready for the week ahead and liking the low drama start to the week.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Saturday, March 24, 2012

If you don't know who this is, it's Kim Kardashian, flour bombed in West Hollywood on Thursday. Made famous for her sex tape but who's father, Robert Kardashian, defended O.J. Simpson in his murder trial.

I am not one to usually applaud cruel and unusual punishment, however, in this instance- I find it to be more comical than anything. Kim K. has made millions off of her televised divorce and reality show that took the mainstream by storm. As far as her talent goes, I don't see it. As far as a good example to younger people? I don't see a good one. Furs? She wears them. Thus, flour bombed.

The media downplayed this action which only proves further that the media is invested in this, dare I say, cultural icon, as much as she is addicted to spread noteworthy-less entertainment.

Disclaimer: this post is only made to prove what these times are made of.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Enthusiasm for Spring

As my mind daydreams to the thoughts of Springtime, it also takes an unexpected route to Seattle. Pacific Galleries is a favorite Antique Mall + Auction house of mine. A great place to go escape to the past + spend time meandering on a slow day- hopefully for that one of a kind incredible find!


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Girl Scout Cookie time! The season is upon us and I've been able to score a couple of boxes of Thin Mints + Tagalongs. This is the first time in years, like 5 or more since I've had the opportunity to order them. I know, it's hard to believe myself. It's worth the wait + just as good as I remember. Thank you Girl Scouts of America! Celebrating their 100th year in 2012.
2012 is a year of change according to Chinese year of the Dragon. I won't jinx myself but it certainly rings true for a number of others that I know. Change is constant, considering we're in the first few months of the year, these changes seem bigger + more frequent than last.

Evidently, I was born in the year of the Dragon with the elemental sign of fire.
This is not your uncle.
Watched a show about the disappearing Orangutang population in Indonesia. Studied by a woman appointed as a Trimate- the other, Jane Goodall for Gorillas & another woman for Chimpanzees as it was said women make for better observing. Apparently, the way cool Oranguntangs have only 10 years before they are gone & only left in the care of "people and their cold embrace". Loss of natural habitat for illegal logging & slaying are the reasons for their demise. Surprisingly, it was noted that Indonesia is the 3rd largest contributor to Global Warming after the United States & China. Gee Wiz! Make it stop!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Today, I started off the morning with a song I had not heard before. It was called "Wake Up" by our good ol' American Hero, Woody Guthrie. A wonderfully simple song that really works. :-)

Guthrie + his handy dandy guitar
The spirit of Woody made me recall the prolific writer, James Agee + his depression era book Let Us Now Praise Famous Men. Perhaps most memorable by the photographic work of Walker Evans while he worked for the Farm Security Administration. It's some of my favorite photography I've ever come across.

Photographs from the book

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Thursday, March 1, 2012

It's a new month and I ought not digress into last weekends traffic nightmares- no surprise for Los Angeles on Oscar weekend. However, 2 failed attempts of going out for general errands not able to find parking + being stuck in traffic for up to an hour in a radius of 1 mile from my home is a bit outrageous.
The digression was had to make a point. If traffic is this bad, as in most cities, it must be communicated that our environmental problems persist. Like a child with a bad habit.
I once thought  that the general public did not have the tools necessary to understand how pollution + energy consumption could be reduced. However, as an adult, I realize these are problems simply ignored.
It's a challenge to live responsibly in this way but being mindful of how to do it isn't that hard. Turn off lights not being used, buy energy efficient products, take less trips with a car by planning ahead to do it all in one outing, recycle as much as possible, understand water is a luxury not to be wasted, plan your next home to be a shorter commute to work, walk or ride a bike once in a while, purchase reusable products, etc. These are simple concepts, the complexities are much greater when coming up with workable ideas on a global scale.

Check out your own carbon footprint:

(my carbon footprint per year is 6.9 Tons with an Earth Conservation Plan score of 242- beat that!)

Billy Crystal was the host of the Oscars this year and having once met him before, he described to me how in the 1970's you could not see the Hollywood Hills because of all the smog- thankfully someone was paying attention enough to clear up that problem!