Friday, October 28, 2011

Friday, October 28, 2011

I've long since admired the Hologram by the late Alexander McQueen of Kate Moss. It's simply stupendous + evokes my airy being today.
YouTube link (full version):

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

As I consider new places to go & new places to see within the next year and beyond, my top picks to date are:




   4. BRAZIL

   (most immediately) 

.....then it would be Alaska, Papua New Guinea, etc., etc., etc...................

Monday, October 24, 2011

Monday, October 24, 2011

2 incredible highly eccentric movies about true events of amazing adventures in human lives were watched by me this past weekend. i would watch 1 again and again. the other, once is enough. both i would highly recommend on equal levels, however, the latter significantly troubled and disturbed my sleep.

starting with the astounding trials + tribulations of one man, Steven Russell, is, "I love you Phillip Morris". a very dramatic movie all the way through with a high pace certainly evokes a mood (understatement) to whomever watches. fantastically played by 2 great actors of our time, Jim Carrey + Ewan McGregor.
secondly, the movie which is almost equally dramatic in an entirely different direction, in my opinion, features the lives of the Beale's of Grey Gardens. true life personalities which are played out in this 1975 documentary (i've also seen the HBO movie with Drew Barrymoore + Jessica Lange portraying these women exsquisitely) show how life can pass by in the blink of an eye. 
insight into the world of interesting real people + their lives always captivates my attention. as i am also partial to reading non-fiction, these movies not only inspire in variety of ways, they tell true stories of which i and all else can relate on some level. disturbing as they may be, these examples truly show Americanism in all its shame + glory. that, i find profound.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Homage cleverness at it's finest;

Cover of The New Yorker portrays Steve Jobs at the pearly gates, with St. Peter using an iPad to check him in.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

I had a strange dream the other night. I was having a clear, concise and in-depth conversation with a robot- no joke. Intelligent responses were given to questions and topics were discussed as brought up by the robot. I woke up thinking about when that will actually happen.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Friday, October 7, 2011

As the Wall Street protesters preside in the streets of New York and encouraged similar undertakings in Los Angeles, Boston, Washington D.C., and other cities, I look forward to a weekend after a long week of work.

It is no wonder to me that this protesting has taken place and I do not see why it would be to anyone else. After all, Gaddafi protests in Libya took place in February of this year which exemplified to commoners all over the world to take action to say 'no' to unjusts. Americans have voices too. It's something to consider for the future while in our infancy of the 21st Century.

Heavy subject matter continues with the passing of iconic Steve Jobs for Apple. An impressive man and my words would not do justice for his contribution to our world. Life is to be enjoyed and I would think Mr. Jobs would have concurred.

With the drab I cannot forget to add the fab!

This year, the Tour de FAT, brought to us by Fat Tire Beer and the New Belgium Brewing Co. brings their festive tour to L.A. Historic Park. Celebrating (& fundraising) the beauty of bicycles and supporting the love of bicycles and bicycle advocacy.

 Let us not forget the monthly Flea Market in Pasadena.....

Fall is being well received this year and the momentum of summers end pushes us through the last few months of the year. Happy Weekend!