Monday, August 29, 2011

Monday, August 29, 2011 - Fav Songs RIGHT NOW

Friendly Fires: 
Track- Pull me back to Earth 
by these guys
Little Dragon:
Track- Ritual Union 
by this Quartet

Friday, August 26, 2011

Friday, August 26, 2011

Thinking of the evacuations on the Eastern Coast of the United States in preparedness of hurricane, Irene, hitting landfall today + tomorrow- I've been thinking of the places I've been.

I need to put the list down so I can continue to explore the places I haven't been! This list consists of the general areas I have been before the age of 25 (celebrated my 25th while in Berlin).

For the United States:

Washington-Oregon-California-Nevada-Arizona-New Mexico-Utah-Colorado-Idaho-Montana-North Dakota-Minnesota-Kansas-Louisiana-Arkansas-Missouri-Illinois-Wisconsin-Michigan-Indiana-Kentucky-Tennessee-Mississippi-Alabama-Florida-Georgia-North Carolina-West Virginia-Ohio-Pennsylvania-New York-New Hampshire-Maine-Massachusetts-Conneticut-New Jersey
=36 States

For the world:

=8 Countries

That leaves:

Texas-Wyoming-South Dakota-Virginia-Vermont-Rhode Island-Delaware-Maryland-Hawaii-Alaska-Washington D.C. & the rest of the World!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

My Parents
(yes, my father is that handsome and my mother is that beautiful)

Friday, August 19, 2011

Friday, August 19, 2011

Events in History for Friday 19th August 2011:

1955 - US raises import duty on bicycles 50%
1967 - Beatles' "All You Need is Love," single goes #1
1973 - Kris Kristofferson weds Rita Coolidge
1988 - Iran-Iraq begin a cease-fire in their 8-year-old war (11 PM EDT)
1993 - Dow Jones hits record high of 3612.13
2010 - Operation Iraqi Freedom ends, with the last of the United States brigade combat teams crossing the border to Kuwait. (ad lib; really?)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Elvis. Elvis Presley. Elvis Aaron Presley. He died 34 years ago, yesterday. Funny thing because that's exactly how old I am. It would be more fun to write about his birth rather than death but I've convinced myself that any news on "the King" is worthy of report!

His twin brother died of a still birth and was born approx. 35 mins. before Elvis. I see how that could potentially make one a force, as I too, am a twin. Luckily, we both survived our own premature 19 minutes apart birth.

Back to Elvis! He recorded in Memphis at Sun Records and built the famed Graceland mansion there. It's a splendid place with grounds and diverse interior- I've been there twice. Once with an audio tour, the other without. A tour of Sun Records is a worthy trip as well- music buffs well know that Sun Studios and Stax Records are a kind of holy grail. I went there when I was 21 & 23.

Sun Studios + Stax Records Logos are;
(Note: I had T-shirts for both but got stolen out of my car in 2000 while in San Francisco on a cross country road trip- darn!)


Graceland, Memphis, TN USA

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Nothing says American Summer like a Baseball game!! LA Dodgers Vs. Houston Astros on Sunday, August 14th, with old friends. A mid day, 1pm game that went by quick, inning to inning with lots of action and no down time. Just the way I like my Baseball.

Dodgers Stadium day of Game
(Astros don't draw the big crowd these days)

....and the Pitch!

Clayton Kershaw; #22; Starting Pitcher; Los Angeles Dodgers

Kershaw Bobblehead day! Dog & Coke with price of ticket! Great idea Chris + Liz!

Start of Game + 7th Inning, Actress Loretta Devine, sings National Anthem & God Bless America at Dodger Stadium

Friday, August 12, 2011

Friday, August 12, 2011

My friend, Nick Harvill, recently moved to San Francisco. Just before leaving, we were able to grab breakfast a few days before. He has a great eye for vintage books and a flair for finding intriguing titles. He's a coveted bookseller.

His genres range in Architecture - Biography - Travel - Society - Fiction -Interior Design - Art & Fashion. Find Nick online and sign up for his fun catalogue. His curitorial philosophy is smart.

Very well accomplished in his career, here are a few of my choice favorites from his collection. Only to name a few:

Books are here to stay!!!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Yesterday started off a bit bumpy and I wanted to write but was unavailable. Ahh, technology...more on that later.

When I woke up, I was in a less than spirited mood. I awoke to clouds and cooler weather. Not something to expect for SoCal in August. In all honesty, it was more me than the weather. I quickly changed things around.

I took the dog for a walk but we did not run into any other furry friends, perhaps 7:30am was too early.

When we got back I gave him a treat. Then threw a toy and we proceeded to do our typical chaise around the cocktail table. Rex now leaps up onto the sofa and back down to the floor to go around again. When tugging on the toy, the whites of his eyes show which means he's in a very playful mood- recalling his puppy stage!

Then, I got ambitious to make a smoothy just for work. This sent me on the right path and my day turned out great.

Meeting up for drinks with work people in the evening on Melrose just a few blocks from my place, I was able to get back to the home front at a reasonable time. Just enough to pleasantly round out the summer weekday.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Friday, August 5, 2011

The other night I met up with a lovely couple who have become fairly recent friends- they both are successful and fun. Most importantly, they know how to have a conversation. With a relatively impromptu meet up for a non-profit art opening at the Mondrian Hotel in LA, we enjoyed the atmosphere (I also had a great conversation with a trio from Beirut- about the same latitude as LA). And with a hop-skip-& a-jump, off to the Standard Hotel to enjoy the food, atmosphere and live music while catching up on all of our lives. They are getting married soon so it was a great way to re-connect before they are in wedlock!

The interiors of both places and outdoor areas were noteworthy as they are both popular hotels on the sunset strip. Designed by the Starck-Schrager design hotel partnerships for the Mondrian and The Standard Hollywood by Andre'Balazs, the first of Balazs' Standard Hotels.

The Mondrian

The Standard

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Tuesday, August 2nd, 2011

Debt Deal is passed. Still yet to be seen is the stability or possible lack there of for such a late deal for our obscene debt. Our Nation clearly has a problem with OVER spending from the Top down.

No new Tax increases (republicans vow to make sure & democrats left to compromise)mean that the wealthy won't lose any money but the less fortunate people who benefit with government funds will have the brunt of the burdon, i.e. social security or military won't get paid. It's a classic case of the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer.

I saw on 60 Minutes last Sunday, July 31st, 2011 about a story on Brazil (re-run but more poingnant for today). They have an economic boom right now. One reason they say this happened was that the poor were given X amount of $ which was then pumped back into the economy. Purchases were made for appliances such as Refridgerators, Ovens/Stove tops, etc. This increased production (jobs) and brought individuals a little closer to economic stability. (discovering new oil reserves also helps) It's a great example, not to mention they have NO interest in War and haven't been in one since the 19th Century.

As the saying goes, 'Work smarter not harder!'