Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Having fun this weekend is the plan - in rememberance.
It doesn't last forever! Peace.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Friday, May 20, 2011

Queen of Talk, Oprah Winfrey, has her last show in 4 days, ending on May 25th, 2011. I can't remember a time when she hasn't been on TV. She has inspired many. So, with an homage and fairwell, I've decided to list a few of my favorite things!

Thanks Oprah!

Mountain Valley Spring Water (the Best!- ask past Presidents!)

Palm Trees


Roller Coasters (everywhere)

The Fjord Chair by Patricia Urquiola

My Dog, Rex Maddox, Toy Fox Terrier

White Water Rafting

Chinese Take Out

the Passion flower

"Garden of Earthly Delights" (c. 1480-1505) by Hieronymus Bosch
(Original @ the Prado in Madrid, Spain)

The Harpsichord (can't play- love the sound)

Minimalism in various forms of art and design, where the work is stripped down to its most fundamental features.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Monday, May 16th, 2011

My brother told me that the USA goes into default on it's loans today. But Congress considers raising the debt limit so we can barrow more.

Otherwise, as an overcast Monday casts shadows on my Spring spirits, I look forward to summer at a lake cabin on the Fourth of July! It has me


of this;

Friday, May 13, 2011

Friday, April 13, 2011

I strongly recommend 3 important movies to watch in order to better understand our world today which has been shaped in the last decade 2001-20011. These 3 movies, which outline stages of the decade in said order, combined will help anyone better understand American culture and it's domineering presence of its political powers.

Not to be confused with conspiracy theories nor lack of patriotism on my part. These movies are presented primarily by documenting information which seems most confidently, based on fact. I am much more educated knowing the information presented in these 3 movies and prepared to take on the future.

They are (best watched in order of appearance);

1. 911 In Plane Site
2. Fair Game
3. Inside Job

3 significant points from 'Inside Job':

1. Alan Greenspan
2. Deregulation
3. Collateralized Debt Obligations (CDO's)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

For the past few weekends I've attended some fun events in the LA area relating to furniture and design. None of which I have attended before.

Starting with the Los Angeles Antiques Show 2011.

I found a great many pieces with a wide range from ancient chinese to cartier and other fantastic finds from around the world.

Second, was the Los Angeles Modernism Show 2011.

Here, there was a good assortment of mid-century modern pieces from the likes of Paul McCobb and Eames (of course).

Finally, the Rose Bowl Flea Market, the most relaxed environment to shop!

Anywhere from junk to treasure hunt finds and everything in between. This is what I scored for less than full asking price! A Bronze sculpture/trophy and silver bowl;

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

First, I hope many people were able to experience May Day and the May Pole ribbon dance on May 1st, 2011! It's a very fond and joyuos memory of my childhood- May I strongly recommend doing!?! (no pun intended, well, MAYbe a little).

I received two pieces of mail in my mailbox which proved very difficult in unlocking the, shall we say, vintage lock. You see, I have a PO Box which works much better for me. The letters I pried from this vintage box was a document needed for taxes sent on January 24 and a
letter post marked March 18, 2011.

The Tax document had been noticeably missing and a new copy was requested. As for the letter, it stated a reply for April 15th was necessary. With an unfortunate extended stay in the mailbox, a picture of 'Flat Stanley' was to be sent back to a classroom far away with a description of his travels and which cities he had been to. It is my mission to take 'Flat Stanley' to as many places I can before sending him back to the place which summoned me to participate. Though he won't be traveling to other destinations, a good trip to LA should suffice enough so he can make it back in time for schools end!

Lastly, I had a rather very middle class American meal for dinner tonight. One that is typically had for budget reasons since it about $3 and not healthy. I find it to be classically American through & through. It was Kraft Mac & Cheese with sliced Ballpark franks mixed in and a full glass of cherry coke on the side. (I lived with Brazillians once who raved how great this smelled while cooking- who knew?!) Tomorrow, I think I'll have Chinese.