Wednesday, October 27, 2010

October 27, 2010

went to a steller auction a few weekends ago with a great new friend, Lindsay. specifically, the los angeles modern auctions in van nuys.

met and chatted with Brooke Shields last week and talked about the toothfairy since she got off the phone with her 7 year old daughter.

finding new pleasure with my old love of bicycle commuting.

arranged my bedroom for the closest feng shui recommendations.

went to my first sitcom taping, Better With You, and walked on set with having one of the writers being an acquaintance. Special treatment with reserved front row seats, arriving hours late, cupcake, grapes, carmel apple and standard one slice of pizza per audience member. courtousy of another new friend, Katie C.

my dog rex learned how to hi-five.

going to Seattle on the 29th for a three day weekend with a new friend/co-worker, Katie A., for a fun filled fall trip with some 1st ever RV'ing in the northwest! seeing the best friend/twin brother is sure to be a riotous reunion! (dog & cat in tow)

in exactly 5mins.(change of day, not my exact birth time), it will be my 34th birthday!(my
second birthday in los angeles)