Friday, February 26, 2010


Received my AC adapter device. It's beautiful.

Friday February 26, 2010

February is drawing to a close. A short month. Just about the end of winter and spring is near. Taking the dog for a walk.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Sat. February 20, 2010

so it turns out my computer has been discontinued for two years with the original purchase date of 2005.
my registration number was no longer on file.
the AC Adapter is also dicontinued but can be found somewhere if still in stock.

Alienware was the manufacturer but is now overseen by Dell.
Dell acquired Alienware in 2006.

I've heard that Alienware was a government only used PC at one time.

Today big thunderclouds rolled in over the hills but no rainstorm since last night.
It's 6:01 pm right now

Friday, February 19, 2010

Friday February 19, 2010

Today I went to a packed Casino near downtown LA.
My brother got back from Portland (holla) and breifly
spent the day at home in Seattle- hung over before taking
off to the Florida pan handle tonight for some hangtime with the parents in their
airstream vacation. Hope they have nice weather. Last week it
snowed in Mobile, AL and Texas. First time in at least a decade!

Been thinking about getting a place by the beach myself and
laying low while the economy bounces back. The ocean is why
people are in SoCal anyway. Or, it could be that lots of people
want to be a star. Right now Im living with two Brazilian models.
One of them is on the cover of Natural Health Magazine this
month. She also does runway in Milan for Prada, Gucci & Cannel.
Then there's the guy going to school to be a basketball coach.
The French guy that lived in NYC for ten years who is breaking in as
a movie director and then the Andy
Warhol actor type pretty boy from Texas. Nice big apartment in
Hollywood. It's not like me for this type of living but it's not bad.
I save money and it works for now. Temporary.

The Olympics in Vancouver, BC are proving that Americans are on
top with the most medals so far! Woohoo! I love the Olympics, it
brings the world briefly together.