Sunday, January 17, 2010

Saturday January 17, 2010

I am a FANATIC for the Grey Gardens movie (just watched today 2nd X) & documentaries. (why?)
NINE is my favorite movie out in theatres now with best performances by fergie, hudson, kidman & collard.
Avatar should be seen in 3D & is most techno advanced in theatres.
Alice in Wonderland 3D by Disney is out 3/5/10 in Hollywood which I most look forward to seeing.
God bless the people in Haiti right now in the midst of their disaster.
Right now u can text Haiti on your cell phone for relief from the US government which takes $10 from your service provider. A terrific idea if used properly.
I had a waffle today on Hollywood blvd. across from Madam Tousoud's

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Holidays are over January 2, 2009

The holidays are over and they started with pretty much halloween in October.Then, Thanksgiving in November. After that, Christmas or anything else religious. Finally, New Years 2010! Today is Saturday and it's the weekend. Busy week to start off the new year of 2010! Happy New Year!