Saturday, November 14, 2009

A collection of Writing starting April 24, 2009 by Modern Man

Just when you think you've got it in the bag
things aren't so fab
Once it's a dream come true
The real truth turns you blue
Determination is the key
Unfortunately at times it's best to flee
Grass can be green on the other side it's true
However, these things can become a hellabalu
Stop drop and roll they say
Finish. Done. It's all a play


Once asleep in the infermery
with all but the family
I wake up to shout 'come to my place with me!'
Once we get there all weak and feable
it's told we're all believable
Trust is found within each of us
once it's broken it turns to dust
Come play with me as I share my things
treats, toys and pets
All bets are off if all who choose to play
forget nice things to say
I don't care what your thoughts about
my presence of think
All I have to say to you all is be joyful and
be good above all


In the moonlight of ealy morning
I stop to think of how things are going
Uneasy I feel right now in future choices
I make with thee and thou
The time of day gives me calm where I
wish to find in most like a beautiful
I forge ahead as a farmer does with a
but the roots of earth creep up to give me
I can picture moonlight shadows in my mind
as I hear outside the seagul of the time
I can almost smell the salt of the Sound
which in its bitterness makes me frown
Is that a robin I hear?
That can only mean dawn is near


Strength is given to those who try
I know
and what is done with it can be
I do believe in the end for us
that the strength in our character is thrust
Done what one can with this gift
it can only be said he or she cannot be miffed


I write these words down in order to
help me look up from the ground
for when I look down, all I see are cracks
in the pavement
when I walk looking up
I see the world around me in all its

Saturday November 14, 2009

Life is funny. Sometimes when you seek others opinions there are none. When you'd rather not hear an opinion someone offers one. Either way it's up to me to be a success and putting faith in anyone other than oneself can be detrimental to well being.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Wednesday October 28, 2009

Today I realize the importance of being true to yourself and not compromizing ones own integrity. By doing this, focus is made toward the ideals of individuality and helps challenge the notions of what one sees for the best interest for oneself. This is important.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Saturday September 26, 2009

the other day I went out for some errands and went window shopping. when i buy things i've always liked getting the best deal possible even though the object may be expensive to begin with. however, when i was out i saw all the name brand stores like calvin klein, d&g, h&m and department stores like macy and bloomingdales. i even went to discount stores like nordstrom rack and others. i saw some tempting items that i'd like afterall fashion is part of personality. for a t-shirt many stores wanted $29-$75.00. the price structure was equivalent for pants, jeans, shoes and business clothes. many stores seemed empty. then, i got to thinking about no wonder our economy is bad. even sale prices seemed expensive. i did not buy anything since i did not feel like getting ripped off. how much is that product produced for?

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Tuesday September 22, 2009

It's funny how choices can be made sometimes. They can affect your once regular routine, expand your mind, they can impact negatively or positively. I moved to California and feel these consequences on a daily basis. One example is my dog. We moved here and in our 'new' lives we were also introduced to a new chiuahuah puppy. My dog likes him. Once, my dog took center stage and was allowed to sleep on the bed. Now, he has been downgraded to sleep on his bed on the floor. However, the new chiuahuah puppy chooses to sleep there and my dog does not like it. He then chooses not to sleep in the room at all. I know my dog is still happy but I'm not sure he is AS happy as he used to be. I wonder if the changes we make in our lives always make us happier or if we would choose to stay in the same place we were born that one would be just as happy.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

September 11 Memorial 2009

After having watched a piece on National Geographic I realized that though it was a well done piece, one thing was missing. That was that the humans that you clearly saw on television the day of the event was humans jumping out of the building. These were noble deaths as there was no way out. I realize these images being shown on TV again would be controversial but it would help signify the magnitude of this disaster and destruction of terror done in this country on that day of September 11, 2001.

One thing that came to mind when I came to this conclusion was the recent event of 11 Andy Warhol paintings stolen from a private gallery in West Los Angeles presented via news on the day of September 11, 2009. Though these paintings have been reportedly stolen on September 3rd or 2nd it is a reminder of another significant figure in American culture, particularly and most notably recognizable from the great city of New York. This is significant in exempifying the importance of the imagery of death and tragedy of which many of his works portrayed during the 1960's. Today, skull and cross bones are seen as a trendy design symbol on everything from T-shirts to decor pillows and the like. If we as a country embrasses this type of design we shall then understand the significants of what it means and where it comes from. This symbolisim is also embrassed by the ever so popular Pirates of the Carribean sequals. Need I mention death as it is carried out in the war we are currently in.

Death is tragedy, especially in acts of terror. If the events are not played out entirely as they happend on September 11, 2009, I can understand. However, to me, the thing I remembered most on that day were the bodies jumping out of the buildings. These were the ultimate tragedies and I think it's important to remember the impact of the imagery. 9/11 Never Forget.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Tuesday July 14, 2009

Cherry Coke has got to be my favorite soft drink.
I had bacon, eggs & toast for breakfast.
I watched the new movie 'public enemies' with Johnny Depp & Christian Bale
shoot em up gangster movie set in Indiana & Chicago area 1933, J Dilinger pretty smart
Uptown theater 5min walk from my current place
3 women in the back acted like the theatre was their living room by coughing continuosly,
blowing their noses and talking throughout......yup.
Going White Water Rafting on the White Salmon River this Sat. 1hr from Portland,OR
It will have the only 14ft drop rapid in the country! Love it!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Tuesday July 7, 2009 Michael Jackson Memorial

Today was Michael Jacksons public memorial service at LA Staple Center for his sudden death on June 25, 2009.
His casket encased in 24k gold was certainly appropriate for this flashy entertaining star of the world. I cannot remember
being so moved and emotional for such a public figure. Mariah Carey, Stevie Wonder, Usher, John Mayer, The son & daughter of MLK Jr., Brook Sheilds, Queen Latifa, Rev. Al Sharpton, congress woman from TX, Kobe Bryant & Magic Johnson, President of Motown records, Jermaine Jackson, Smokey Robinson, Lionel Richie, Jennifer Hudson and members of his last tour "This Is It" all paid tribute for his legendary life. His gift of talent, giving, hard work, supporting movements for a better world and kindness were all expressed along with his contribution for paving the way for African Americans and helping to enable the possibility for us to have the black president we have today. Elizabeth Taylor and Diana Ross were some of his closest friends but could not be there. His brothers all wore sequenced white gloves and his children; Prince, Paris & Blanket were all there (about 12, 10 & 5 years of age). Janet did not speak nor did Latoya. Several of his hits were played including his co-written song "we are the world" in 1985. It was mentioned his favorite song was "Smile" in Charley Chaplins movie "In Modern Times"
Michael Jackson-King of Pop was amazing and made me think who has been more entertaining in our time. I could not think of anyone who could compare. Of course we will miss his greatness.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Saturday April 11, 2009

The world is an amazing place. The Economy finally caught up to me. Which means, it has directly affected me as of yesterday. However, as I told myself before, if it ever did that I can only go up from there. Following my dreams and my destiny is completely in my hands.
I went canoeing the other day and the dog jumped into the water from the boat. He figured out he could swim.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

march 25, 2009

Things Accomplished Today:

Wake up 6:45 am take brother to work
Drive home, take dog for a walk
Clean kitchen & do dishes
Make phone call, pick up around the house
Eat Golden Grahms watching TV
Call electric company to settle balance & settle new account
Take the dog out
Look up contact info online & check email account
Contact Internet service provider to settle overcharges & update account info
Take out recycling
Make a phone call to work and follow up with an order scheduled for delivery to California.
Make a phone call to the warehouse for work to confirm order had been picked up.
Video call at 4:30-6:11pm
Go grocery shopping until 7pm
Drive home, unload dishwasher, put grocery away
Make Quesadilla's, talk on phone
Watch TV
Start Laundry
Start second load of laundry
Talk on phone , watch Law & Order
Go to bed 11pm

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Tuesday March 24 2009

I returned from a visit to LA last week visiting friends & a new love I met 5 months ago in Seattle. I returned to Seattle with a great outlook on life which was positive, motivated & happy. This was crushed upon my return to work as I was lectured about my contributions & the state of the economy. This, along with the cold rain made for a tough week but I made it through. I keep going back to the memories I made in LA. These were made at the house my love designed. The back yard pool, jacuzzi, the wonderful shag carpet (wink) and the well thought out custom pieces for the interior along with the cabana to the all but not forgotten car port from HARS Design! The sunny days, shopping & dining out with attitude made for a great West Hollywood getaway!