Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Happy Summer! As summer makes it's way in 2008 I think of all the positive things in life. However, I realize there are many struggles as well. As I have seen a person struggle with drug addiction, 2 people pass and two others who have gone through cancer in the past year I also know of a little girl only a year old too who struggles to hang onto life. Everyday I see the homeless on the street asking for a handout or a crippled person in a wheelchair. I have compassion for all of these people and their struggles as they help me to see that life is to be appreciated to its fullest extent. With that, staying positive and no matter what your situation, take a momment to take in the sweet air, leaves on the trees, the grass beneath your feet or look up to the sky for the beauty of clouds or lack thereof!