Friday, April 25, 2008

Friday April 25th 2008

Food eaten today:
1. 7up, Wheat thins with philadelpia vegetable creme cheese + pesto
2. Wendy's #10 combo fish sandwhich, fries, coke + small frosty
3. Earl Grey infused tea in a glass
4. California bbq chicken pizza with 7up

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Majorr Win -Immelman wins green jacket;Tiger second
Democratic rivals take timeout to discuss faith.
Video: National Geographic tracks Bull Sharks on the Hunt 'the pit bull of the seas'

sunday april 13, 2008

yesterday was an absolute amazing day for weather in seattle. sun, mountains, water, skyline. now i'm watching 'murder she, wrote' on the hallmark channel and "george" pleads taking the lottery ticket for murder. the main story was really the town sherrif sleeping with the entire small town, including the nurse! parry mason 'case of the glass coffin' (magic) started. today at work i made sale tags with a new format in microsoft office 2003 and sold $2,600.00. yesterday was $11,000.00.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Friday April 11, 2008

it's the Miss America pageant tonight. i am not a hater but nothing has frustrated me more in pop culture as of late than heather mills. she is a judge tonight on the pageant. i have no idea why anyone would support a woman who married Paul McCartney for 4 years then divorce him and get over 48 million dollars from the ultimate pop star of The Beatles. this pageant is surley tainted- although a new pop star is Christian from Project Runway this year. he'll probably cancel her vote. on another note the news continues to report fear of an economy slump- it's spring, things are coming up roses!