Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Decor as a question of taste

As the President elect Barack Obama and the new first lady move into the White House early 2009 I expect fashion, art and design to take a new approach. The president has already inspired so many people in so many ways that the arts won't be exempt! It is almost 2009 and we are living in the future people used to talk about. We are nearly a decade into it which continues the course of exploration and boundries we push.

That said, the décor I most like currently is white interiors with pops of bright accent colors. Keeping a neutral sterile backdrop allows for endless play with color! I like clean straight lines with a touch of flair seen with lighting and texture found in art or sculpture. Furnishings that have a contemporary edge with a few
pieces noding to the past. Colors I like most are white, black, grey, yellow, pinks, greens, orange & blues.

I need to write this down before my idea of décor change with our new president!!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

10/14/08 tuesday

where to start. The elections. The stock market crash. The Corp bailouts. The money lending by usgov. to banks. The wild fires in southern California. The crazy client at work. The birthday coming up. The Duffy concert on Friday ("Distant Dreamer","Mercy"). Calling my sister again or grandmother. The biggest gas price decrease in a week ever (-$.33). The extra jetblue tickets being sold at the shopping district to select cities for cheap between 3:30-8pm. The info i was told that Iceland went bankrupt. Holloween costume. The debate on Oprah about organic herd raising or not.
We need more Philanthropist's!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Tuesday September 30, 2008

been a while. Started a new job in mid July. Went to LA for a wedding for a guy I've known since 3rd grade. Met up with a german friend from Berlin. Traveled up the coast to san fran then flew back to Seattle. Also went to Portland or & Vancouver bc with germ friend. Continue job but have to move out tomorrow because of my dog- I caught my landlord in a lie about my dog- so who knows. I don't have an alibi. Have a fab new place to live but it needs cleaning after construction work, either way my friend helps me move in tomorrow- October 1. Got an I phone after I lost my razr in Hollywood. Oh yeah, I saw dolly Parton for the first time this summer too. Going to a fancy dinner with artisan and rep for an Eco fireplace (on top of moving 1 day mid week). Economy hits loss of over 700 points yesterday. Bush pleas for bail out by congress. Debates heat up with old man mcain and ripe Obama.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Happy Summer! As summer makes it's way in 2008 I think of all the positive things in life. However, I realize there are many struggles as well. As I have seen a person struggle with drug addiction, 2 people pass and two others who have gone through cancer in the past year I also know of a little girl only a year old too who struggles to hang onto life. Everyday I see the homeless on the street asking for a handout or a crippled person in a wheelchair. I have compassion for all of these people and their struggles as they help me to see that life is to be appreciated to its fullest extent. With that, staying positive and no matter what your situation, take a momment to take in the sweet air, leaves on the trees, the grass beneath your feet or look up to the sky for the beauty of clouds or lack thereof!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Friday May 23, 2008

saw the movie American Psycho set in 1987 with Christian Bale for the 3rd time recently. this movie is an extreme dramatization of an american guy gone haywire in a world of excess. the way the plot goes expresses quite poignantly on how people can be caught up in their own lives while missing major events. not only this but also the narcissism seen in this character can be found as a metaphor for the american society and how it/we view ourselves in the world. furthermore it signifies the ignorance or maybe the option to ignore by big business the scope of longevity for society to maintain control for the good of all people. i can also consider that this is just a wonderfully well done horror movie with excellent depth of character developments. brace yourself if you have not seen this yet.

Saturday, May 10, 2008


Saturday May 10, 2008


one week after 100,00 people feared killed by a cyclone in Myanmar/Burma. the first number given by its government was 351 people according to the associated press.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Thursday May 5, 2008

my stomach churns at the thought of today's environmental issues. the first experience that i recall about this issue was in the 3rd grade reading a large book with big glossy pages of photographs of the amazon rainforest and its people describing how we are cutting down this rainforest at an alarming rate.

some simple steps that i live by to help the environment:

1. think creatively to drive less and walk more. if driving is necessary consider the bus or carpooling. trains are spectacular. commuting for a generous amount of time is out of date and if you do this, so are you.

2. recycle religiously. plastic, paper, glass, magazines, etc. see to it that your garbage is reduced. if your community does not have a recycling facility, this is archaic.

3. use environment friendly cleaning products; i.e. detergents, soaps, toilet bowl cleaner, etc. water goes into the gray water drain system and cutting back on any chemicals in any water system good. eventually any water cycle finds itself back into our environment. reduce the use of chemicals for cleaning.

4. any task using water should be cut back. time yourself at a task that involves water and the next time you do the task try to beat your time. conserve, think of it as investing, save now for more later. lack of water is a crisis waiting to happen.

5. displace water in your toilet tank by inserting a milk jug full of pebbles.

6. plant something.....anywhere.

7. don't just think of yourself- think of what you want to leave behind.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Friday April 25th 2008

Food eaten today:
1. 7up, Wheat thins with philadelpia vegetable creme cheese + pesto
2. Wendy's #10 combo fish sandwhich, fries, coke + small frosty
3. Earl Grey infused tea in a glass
4. California bbq chicken pizza with 7up

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Majorr Win -Immelman wins green jacket;Tiger second
Democratic rivals take timeout to discuss faith.
Video: National Geographic tracks Bull Sharks on the Hunt 'the pit bull of the seas'

sunday april 13, 2008

yesterday was an absolute amazing day for weather in seattle. sun, mountains, water, skyline. now i'm watching 'murder she, wrote' on the hallmark channel and "george" pleads taking the lottery ticket for murder. the main story was really the town sherrif sleeping with the entire small town, including the nurse! parry mason 'case of the glass coffin' (magic) started. today at work i made sale tags with a new format in microsoft office 2003 and sold $2,600.00. yesterday was $11,000.00.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Friday April 11, 2008

it's the Miss America pageant tonight. i am not a hater but nothing has frustrated me more in pop culture as of late than heather mills. she is a judge tonight on the pageant. i have no idea why anyone would support a woman who married Paul McCartney for 4 years then divorce him and get over 48 million dollars from the ultimate pop star of The Beatles. this pageant is surley tainted- although a new pop star is Christian from Project Runway this year. he'll probably cancel her vote. on another note the news continues to report fear of an economy slump- it's spring, things are coming up roses!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Wednesday March 26, 2008

it's snowing right now in seattle, wa! we just had 3 weeks of sun and 2 weeks of rain! now it's snowing? environmental actions are in dire need- it appears we are killing the ozone layer and heating up our world by the pollution- cars are a major culprit. we've known this a very long time- at least 31 years and it's time to get things written into law for people to act!

Wednesday March 26, 2008

i will be going to an Elizabeth Taylor AIDS foundation benefit event in a few days. the importance of supporting social causes or being a part of positive change in a persons life always brings happiness. i often forget how easy it is to be involved either by time, money or pitching in any way one can. as i age i understand how people become complacent with giving and realize that complacency extends from procrastination which is derived from most likely symptoms of depression or self loathing. rather than do the easy thing of selfishness think of those before us like Mother Theresa, Mahatma Ghandi or Martin Luther King Jr. combating negativity is difficult but can be beneficial to individuals and is infectious. carpe diem!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Thursday March 20, 2008

the first day of spring! it didn't feel like it. it started off cold this morning and finished that way. i haven't seen many movies lately but i know i'm missing a few, like, 'no country for old men' and 'the other boelyn girl'. funny enough, right now 'i want to be like mike'!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Wednesday March 19, 2008

judge judy continues to exemplify the type of society we live in. plaintif and defendant show us 2 sides of a story. only one can win. the other day i met a couple who have a place in Hong Kong, New York + London. meanwhile they are building a custom yacht in new zealand. they were looking at $1300. dining chairs. uh oh, someone is getting loud on judge judy...the defendant!