Sunday, November 23, 2014

Sunday, November 23, 2014

It's the weekend before Thanksgiving 2014! This year, family is spread around the country so the feast will be thanked as those thought of near and far are appreciated.

A little holiday decor....

Appropriately, November is Native American Heritage Month. They, after all, taught us agriculture & Thanksgiving is a celebration of that harvest feast. I have heard Natives call themselves just that, Natives, as they were here before America was called America.

The dress to dwellings mark examples of a colorful and vibrant people who clearly show respect for the land. They have as much to teach today as they once did about Thanksgiving. So, I thank them this Thanksgiving for their wisdom, understanding of our natural environment & celebrate their heritage! Proud to be American too because these people's inhabit this great land.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Today is my father's 60th Birthday! A Happy Birthday to him!

Starting my day with the usual coffee- a fairly recent addition to my day- followed by the Birthday wish phone call to Dad. 

For a Tuesday, this early day of the week was productive with challenges. Mainly with communications involving phone & email with various departments in different companies. At the end of the day prior expectations weren't met by those departments but tomorrow is another day!

More good news is that for various reasons (like a new driver's license) and a little of which due to 'Movember' (the month of November to recognize male health issues such as prostate cancer, etc.), I have a mustache! 

Being compared to the likes of this man via co-worker compliment;

Tom Selleck- for the Mustache of course, not the shirt!

...or this guy (another comparison by a co-worker);

Clark Gable
....I'm quite liking the Stache!  Albeit the likenesses are far too gracious but I could not refuse the courtesy.

And for that extra push on my Tuesday, I had the fortune of somehow shopping almost aisle by aisle (she has great taste!) at Michael's craft store to none other than- the only 'The Hills' star who showed America how to be authentic- Lauren Conrad!

TV Personality, Author, Fashion Designer & All American Girl

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Sunday, October 13, 2013

This weekend was the last in this years 2013 U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon which took place for the first time in Irvine, CA. It occurs every 2 years in the States and has only been held in Washington, D.C. since 2002. There are actually 3 Solar Decathalon events worldwide which also include SD Europe and SD China.

"The Solar Decathlon challenges collegiate teams to design, build, and operate solar-powered houses that are cost-effective, energy-efficient, and attractive." 
-US Department of Energy Solar Decathlon Visitors Guide 2013

Team Austria won and UNLV got 2nd place. It was discovered through asking questions  each home cost between $200,000.00-$350,000.00 for the maximum allotted square footage of 1,000 sq. ft.

One of my favorites was Washington, D.C. who ironically never participated when the Decathlon was in the Capital. 

Team DC. Exterior- stained reclaimed wood 
Fixed outdoor table with water feature to capture rain run-off.
Tour guide describing interior louvres that open and close automatically based on interior & exterior  temperatures.

Exterior- Team North Carolina
Exterior- Team Stevens Institute of Technology
Exterior- Team U of L & Indiana- Butler

Exterior- Czech Republic, placed 3rd!

Interior- Team Alberta
Living walls, water collection/efficiency, reclaimed materials and of course, solar panels both on the house and constructed as part of walk ways were all present. The living wall was a well repeated popular feature for most houses. 

Exterior- Team UNLV took a different approach for a desert retreat.  They used steel and reclaimed weathered barn wood. This home was designed very well for the exterior and interior with great use of materials. However, a desert retreat to the Mojave seemed nice but maybe not so popular.
Perforated dye cut steel providing shade (worked quite well) with visual interest.

UNLV 'DesertSOL' exterior with steel clad framed windows & drought tolerant native plants.
Reused shipping pallet wood used for interior flooring. 
Solar Decathlon in Irvine. 'Village Powered By The SUN'
I first saw a televised segment about this event held in D.C. a couple of years ago and thought to myself that I'd probably not get a chance to take a look anytime soon. So glad the event came to Irvine shortly thereafter. An event not to be missed! Looking forward to the implementation of these ideas for new construction! 

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Autumn has started and the September month is almost over. With an end of Summer visit to the Midwest for an extended family reunion and 60th pre-Fall Birthday's for the parents, in addition to celebrating their 40th Wedding Anniversary, Summer ended with a bang! Louisville was the place of the celebration staying at a river front hotel and brunch at the Galt House downtown. 

Rivue for Sunday Brunch. Louisville doesn't get much more spectacular.

The pooch was taken off my hands by a local dog walker while our party brunched and later met up at WorldFest Louisville 2013.

Loved the Waterfront 'Belle of Louisville' tooting old-time  tunes while we walked around at World Fest.
The middle of July was a long awaited trip by my sister's family with a visit hosting in LA and to Santa Barbara for other fun. Universal Studios, LA Farmer's Market, Santa Monica, etc., etc.!

Back in the saddle with work and other things, a lot of events have been taking place. My favorite of the summer was America's Cup in San Francisco Bay! Have you seen the new sailboats? Simply Amazing.

The race has been going on starting America's team, Oracle Team USA. A penalty violation was upheld which was against America putting them behind for their first 2 victories. Well, today, USA beat New Zealand for the 34th America's Cup!! Hydro foiling upwind at 30-32 knots, never seen before in America's Cup. It took USA 8 consecutive victories to take the title race!

 The new Sailing, 21st Century style.

Oracle Team USA- America's Cup Champs 2013
Such exciting races! Sailing, creme de la creme!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Starting with the #3 song at the top of the Billboard chart right now, "Radioactive" by Imagine Dragons, climate change is on the very forefront of my mind. It should be on the forefront of everyone's mind any time they breathe in air. 

Recently, I heard about the California coast having a ban on offshore drilling since the 1969 oil spill off the Santa Barbara coast which ranks 3rd largest in American history after the Deepwater Horizon spill in 2010 & the 1989 Exxon Valdez disasters and is said to have attributed to the start of the Environmental Movement. The California offshore drills still standing are grandfathered in.

Offshore Fracking is now in the news for the California coast.

On-shore Fracking diagram.
I first head of this method for extracting Oil on the Jimmy Fallon show with Yoko Ono & Sean Lennon singing 'Don't Frack My Mother'. It surprises me that the 2 conversations I had with adult acquantances in the last 2 days had no concept or clue of what I was talking about. It helps our consumption of oil but does not help our environment. Taking too much of anything can be a very bad thing.

Today, on NPR, I was listening to a report regarding the Fukushima Power Plant which has been spewing radioactive contaminated water which leaked tons of water from their storage tank which is now in the Pacific Ocean. New York Times -Japanese Power plant

Now I am not one who has been convinced of environmental issues because others say I should be or that it is something you can believe in or not. I was a believer in the 3rd grade when I wrote my report on the deforestation of the Amazon Rainforest. The impact it has on its native peoples, environmental destruction it has for the native species and animals as well as the destruction of trees depleting oxygen levels in that remote part of the world. This I learned at the age of 7. 

I was further educated with the banning of CFCs -chlorofluorocarbons- because of their destructive makeup which helped create a hole in our Ozone layer. Then, or somewhere around the same time, Recycling was taking the stage in my hometown which was way ahead of the curve. Going on to College, my first degree of choice was in the School of Public and Environmental Affairs. The first subject tackled was Global Warming as a scientific fact not a belief.

CFCs- Hairspray of choice for the 1980's
A report was leaked today on the study of human environmental impact with Anne Curry reporting Carbon Dioxide Emissions directly impact the heating of our atmosphere caused by humans, specifically.

It's easy to be apathetic and ignorance is bliss. However, the environment won't be the problem of the living people today but after we are gone. I'm not a dramatist of our environmental issues but find it to be quite unhealthy to spread any non-caring attitude to the problem. Just like anything, face the challenges and conquer them.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Friday, July 5, 2013

It's the day after 4th of July. Bratwurst, Potato Salad & Lemonade. Fireworks & Music. Nothing says Liberty so much as a $199.00 deductible to replace an iPad screen :(

or, find out on the 4th that your rent has increased....

...Liberty is of course one of the greatest achievements of America. Though the lady liberty was conceptualized & gifted by the French, she is all that represents America and its finer points. 

Sometimes liberty presents challenges but the pursuit of happiness remains. 

One band I'm totally in love with for the last several months is the LA band, Dawes. It's not usually the music which is my cup of tea but I do have a side that speaks loudly to kicking back on a porch in the summer months & taking in the summer breeze. This is the band which is great for that or good for a great summer potluck!

...from a window seat is a perfect tune.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Monday, May 20, 2013

City elections for Los Angeles tomorrow which includes our next Mayor. Get out and vote Angeleno's!

Devastating to see and hear about the Tornado's ripping across the country. If you've ever been in or near a Tornado- it is terrifying. Especially, when it's nighttime. My heart goes out to them.

No Thanks!
Last night was the Billboard Music Awards- who knew? I hadn't seen any  advertising or media relaying the event. With so many ways to advertise, social media & entertainment television shows, you'd think one would hear about it. I'm not too far from the pulse of Pop Culture.

At 54, it's Madonna
Either way, it opened with Taylor Swift. Toward the middle to end it was Madonna & Justin Bieber. The end, Nicki Minaj. Quite a range of diverse talent and say what you wish but it was way more interesting & fun to watch than the finale of Celebrity Apprentice- All Stars!

It's almost June! Time fly's. Summer will be here before we know it. Looking forward to it!